
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spotting Real Gems

Just like balanced diet, your portfolio should be a healthy mix of varied assets for good growth. That is why financial advisors say that you must invest a part of savings in real estate too.

If you are looking to buy a house for investment in 2014 and are not sure where you can earn the best returns , don't worry. We bring you what experts say about real estate destinations that will give good returns over the next threefive years.

New Ground

In the last couple of years, the real estate market has changed remarkably in both metro cities and small towns. Prices have crossed the peaks reached before the 2008 economic slowdown.

However, in 2012, the companies grappled with economic uncertainty, low demand, fund crunch and high inflation. "High inflation and interest rates dealt a double blow to developers by increasing input and debt costs. Sales fell as buyers became wary of rising interest rates," says Shveta Jain, executive director, residential services, Cushman & Wakefield (C&W) India, a property consultancy firm.

Still, the mid-end residential segment continued to generate buyer interest. This, and increase in prices of raw materials, pushed up prices in most cities.
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