
Thursday, April 10, 2014

How to Start Investing In Real Estate at a Young Age (or a “Young at Heart” Age)

I don’t want to get old.
I’m not looking forward to hip problems, my eyes getting worse, or needing to take my pills just to use the bathroom correctly. I don’t want the “old person” smell, the frequent heartburn, or the desire to drive fifteen miles under the speed limit. The thought of that life terrifies me.
Perhaps, though, the thing I’m looking forward to least is no longer being the “whiz kid.” Because I started investing so young, I’ve always been the one in my social circles who “is going somewhere.” It’s a good feeling, but it’s not that I’ve done anything remarkable, really. It’s that I’ve done something remarkable for my age. There is a significant distinction there, but an important one. It means, when I get old, I’m not longer doing remarkable things. I’m just doing my job.
If you are bored, (well, hopefully not bored reading this…) and not sitting anywhere near your children (because the language is definitely not family friendly) check out this clip by stand-up comedian Louis CK about growing old. He’s come to the same conclusion as I have:

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