
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our dreams have been demolished, say buyers of flats in sealed Noida towers

Buyers of flats in Apex and Ceyane towers of Supertech Group’s Emerald Court Complex in Sector-93 here — which the Allahabad High Court has ordered demolished — said they would approach the Supreme Court as the High Court verdict was passed without giving them an “opportunity to be heard”.
The Residents Welfare Association (RWA) of Emerald Court Complex, the petitioner of the case, has already filed a caveat in the Supreme Court.
The two towers house 857 flats, of which almost 600 have been sold. While there is no occupancy, homebuyers said the High Court order that the developer refund them money, along with 14 per cent compound interest, won’t help them.
“When the order for the demolition came, it also demolished our dreams. Most of us weren’t even aware of the dispute and learnt about it from newspapers,” M R Chhikara said.
According to the aggrieved homebuyers, when the units were first being sold in the two towers in 2009, the rate per square feet was Rs 2,600. In the last five years, it has increased to more than Rs 6,000 per square feet.

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