
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

New government: Home prices may not rise immediately

While the the stock markets, the corporate world and a large section of the country's citizens are celebrating the election verdict, 45-year-old Shailesh Singh, a Delhi-based executive, is a worried man. Singh has been hunting for an apartment in the National Capital Region (NCR) for the past six months but has not been able to zero in on one. Now he is afraid that in the euphoria generated by the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) decisive victory, real estate prices may start rising again, making his purchase more expensive.

Why prices won't move up

Singh's worries might be premature. Realty experts are of the view that while there might be some euphoria-driven rise in transactions and a marginal rise in prices, this will dissipate soon. "It will take another 12-odd months before prices begin to rise within the sector. And that will happen only if the new government has a successful first six months and its initiatives put the economy on a higher growth .. 

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